Internal Jira reference


Process flows

This function receives by products on Manufacturing orders.

M3 settings

PDS002/PMS101/E By/Co Product (BYPR)  set to 1 By Product.
MNS150 the logged on user must be set up in MNS150 (the update API is passing in the user as the CHID.)
MMS002/GInspection or Main location 

MA settings

This flag determines how many copies of MWS450PF (Putaway label) we will print for each receipt.

Allow copy override as last step: If turned on the user can change the number of copies on the fly during each by product receipt


Only valid input is Manufacturing number
If more than one by product exists for the MO a list will pop up.

Scan/Input in the top window to narrow down. or just tap on any line.

Input quantity

Note: No validation on overissue

Location selection hierarchy:

1. PMS101/E
2. MMS002/G Inspection location (this does not need to be a status 1 location in this case)
3. MMS002/G Main location

Lot is needed if lot control and manual lot no
Container is needed if the combination of item and location demands a container.

1. We do not validate against package mask in this receipt function while we do that in most other receipt functions.
2. we do not auto generate container numbers based on package details like we do in MO receipt.
If set to be allowed to override then this shows else it will execute with the set no of labels or none based on config.