Internal Jira Reference


Process flows

This function is an extension of the M3 standard MO issue function (PMS060).

What we are aiming to achieve is a 2 step process similar to Pick and move to Pack or Dock then issue out.

The reason we need this with manufacturing orders is so we can prepare for example ingredients on an MO the day before it is issued or in the morning etc and stage the goods in containers ready to be issued into the production are in a smooth and efficient way. It is also beneficial to only issue as late as possible in case the production plan changes. 

We can possibly achieve this by issue to picklist instead of requisition (PMS060) but it is much easier to return unused material using the PMS060 approach so that is what we have gone with here too:

Solution overview

1. Print X unique MO labels with a random container number  for each label 

(sue the ad hoc label printing functionality and MOM/IDM dev on MMS501PF and input MO number) these labels then becomes the vehicle for this issue job

2. MO - issuing - Move to prepare - this function - works like MO issuing but instead of issuing we move the stock to the location on the label and to the container on the label - Fixed rule MO no (10 pos) - 4 digit random number so that is validated when moved to not put the stock on the wrong label/container.

3. MO issuing by MO Label (see that function)

M3 settings

There are no settings specific to this function more than that we need to have the components to be issued must be container managed and the hard coded To Location on the MO label must be set up In M3. 

MO number is recommended to be using all 10 positions.

Possible H5 personalisation to prevent input of the remarks field in MWS060/068 to avoid data corruption of the MO issue reporting number that is stored on this record.

MA settings

Most settings are shared between MO issuing and MO Issuing - move to prepare
The code is shared
These additional settings are only for move to prepare:
what this does is controlling the "remaining to issue" calculation when we are in "Move to prepare" mode:

Since we are not issuing any stock the MO is not updated so we need to offset the quantity moved to this location by something: so the stockzone put in here should be the same stockzone as in the Move to LOCATION ex PREBATCH in this labels example. AND no other non prepared stock should be stored in these locations on the same zone.

Move to offset filter Allocable 1, 0, blank should be 1 or 0 depending on what the location PREBATCH is set to as well.

So to find all stock moved (and pre issued)
find all stock in zone XX with allocable 0 and a container looking like the MO number: Left side of dash.


Pick the balance ID to issue from
enter in qty and instead of issue the below pops up
add in the to Location from the label and the container no
MUST Match the MO number
The stock is moved to the location and container and the reporting number for the MO issue line is stored in the remarks field in MWS068.

Recommendation is to make this a non editable filed if this is used since any changes to this filed value and we will not be able to issue this stock just by scanning this container number in the next step