Internal Jira reference

Process flows

In M3 we can have inhouse packages (bins) linked to "suppliers".

The bins are returned from Suppliers with non graded products and dockets - this function is about how to link the  dockets to each bins unique bin number and the sample taken out of each bin. These Docket - Samples can be associated with as many bins as required (all in the batch or just one sample per bin if they are all different). 

The application links the Bin (package) in MMS470 to the grading product (a set of items set up in a certain way - see below) and generates a lot number in the lot master to be used when the bin is received into stock.

The docket sample label (MMS501PF) is essential in this development. It uses the User defined fields 1-5 to drive logic in IDM to print a Docket Sample label with the barcode so the next bin can be associated with the same sample (if the content agrees).      

M3 settings

All general settings like MMS050 - packages etc that is required to make a package

Suppliers needs to be set up in CRS620 - Both Growers and loaders. 

CIDMAS need to be part of IES crawl (Infor Enterprise Search) so the API CRS620MI_SearchSupplier works (it relies on that teh table is searchable). MMS200MI_SearchItem so MITMAS must also be searchable via IES. 


Packing alias text can be set up in CRS706:

Purchase agreements in PPS100 with priority 50, 55, 60 with a valid date

The base items to be used for before the grading is done are defined by MMS001/F - Group tech class (GRTI) = "GRADEABLE"

MA settings


Grading sample printer 


Search and select or type in the suppliers number if known or on docket
From Docket Max 10 pos
Agreement from docket (this will validate that the agreement is valid and if not must be fixed first)

Browse will list all items with Group tech class = GRADEABLE

or direct entry works too
must be on agreement:

Carrier and loader
(free text search on these too)
A bin must not be linked already to be possible to use

Scan the bin
Just press enter if the fist one

Now it just loops around this:
link each bin to the same sample or generate a new one when the content is different.