Internal Jira Reference


From the stock toolbox we can print the putaway label - MWS450PF on any balance ID.


  • Select multiple balance ID's at once to print more than one item in one do
  • Ensure the RPQT is configured as a column (in the data grid config) to be able to manipulate the quantity that prints out on the label (the quantity in the stream file)

M3 Settings

Nothing specific more than MWS450PF output setups

MA Settings

User Setttings - Putaway printer

Include this column if the SoH value in the output file should be possible to be changed.

(this could be useful if we generally like to print one copy for each unit (SoH) so we have that logic in MOM/IDM.
We then like to override this and only print the one unit then this is useful.


Find the balance ID;s to print and if it make sense to select multiple then tick
the select button and select more than one (else just tap on the one line you like to print)

then the more icon:

Override the Reported Qty if required to simulate a different quantity in the printout. (note only allowed to do less than on hand (API validation)

Tap print icon