Internal Jira reference

M3 settings

M3 Program



This record sets the RoP and the “area” to input in the MA function

Note: This area can be an aisle or a set of aisles or a zone to form a logical area of where the Replens listed are to reside in. 

Note: It can also be the actual pick face location if fixed (much more maintenance), The location type is determining the location type MA is summarising Available On Hand on and comparing with RoP.


Location: this is recommended to be the the area location same as in MMS065.


A set of area locations to manage this concept


ABC class – this is recommended to be used so A class items finds A class locations


ABC class – this is recommended to be used so A class items finds A class locations


All pick locations (Location type = same as the area location) is linked to location group A


Buffer locations: Each Area location is linked to a buffer location group of its same value.

Note: Use this if you want the System Directed Put away to suggest the best pick phase location for the replenishment


User defined API is required for this function to work


User defined API is required for this function to work

MA settings

Settings\System\StockMove\Lst Putaway LocTurn this on for the move component of this function to send the item to he right location
Settings\System\PF Replenishment\Incl Sts Bal ID
Options: 1 or 2 or 3 or any of them 12 of 23 etc (recommend to only use 2)
Settings\System\PF Replenishment\Avail pick face locThis sets up the sensitiveness of the system. It controls what we compare the Re Order Point with: SoH (STD), SoH minus any stock that has gone to picklist (makes it more sensitive and will trigger a replen quicker) or SoH-Allocated: even more sensitive and will trigger the replenishment as soon as we have stock hard allocated on the pick face location if the net avail is less than reorder point
Settings\System\PF Replenishment\Bal ID loc up in ZonesThis controls the zone we look at when we look at balance ID's to replenish from.
User settings: this will default the Replenishment area for hte user.

Process flows

This function moves stock from a reserve location to the pick face location based on a Reorder Point.

It lists all suggested items to move in a prioritised list where an item with more allocations on pick face locations in comparison to its Re Order Point will have higher priority and thus show higher on the list of replenishment tasks.


Default from the user settings

MA feature:
Here when the user press enter we always assume the quantity of 1 when retrieving the destination location (MMS610MI) to simulate a small movement that fits into a pick face location in case we would let a whole pallet down to avoid being sent to another reserve location.

A little workaround to make this work smoothly.
Since we are not using the static location from MMS065 to suggest the to location this makes the to location to become dynamic and will find a part empty pick face if that is how M3 is configured or will find a new/empty  pick face location based on ex ABC class rules or other M3 SDP rules making the to location dynamic. This reduces the need for basic data maintenance.