Set up zone configuration to check destination zones


In StockMove and in ContainerMove we have added some additional checks and configurable warning/blocks:

Logic: If the item has a stock zone linked in MMS002/G then check the destination stock zone on the location the move goes to: if that stock zone has a record in this table then check the "Receive in different stock zone" value:

If keeping stock separate is important then all such zones should have warning or block set up
for example: Hallal, Allergens, Chill, Freezer zones.
while zones for staging material for MO issuing should have ignore so we still allow to move stock to locations in those zones. or locations used to write stock off etc.

Note: the receive under inspection and or rejected balance ID check are not implemented at this stage. 


If the item that is moved got a stockzone linked in MMS002/G then we will check this table