Internal Jira reference

Mobile Action got a functionality to be able to automatically reclassify the expiry date of stock as it moves into a different zone. The number of days to keep as useby date is set up as a customer defined field in MMS002/ and a corresponding API is required as well (See set up below).

Use case:  This can be used for automatically thawing the goods and set a new use by date because of this. 

Scope: This logic is activated in StockMove and in Container Move. If container Move the assumption is that it is only one balance ID in the container.

Business rules:

  • It is OK to move stock from the same zone as the function is activated for as long as the calculated expiry date is less than than the current expiry date. 
  • Only expiry dated items will be included in this action
  • Only one balance ID per lot. In other words these pallets needs to come in with a unique lot number per pallet at receipt - M3 auto number rule and receipt pallet by pallet
  • If the lot to be recalculated exists in more than one location a block message will be issued.
  • This function works in ItemMove and Container Move
  • Stock received via PO or DO needs to be receipted into a stage location and then moved (To a zone included in the reclassification logic) for the action to happen

Set up steps:

  1. Activate the "To" stock zone with the Expi. Recl.  flag = 1 in Settings\Zone Configuration for the warehouse and stock zone 
  2. Set up the number of days after thawing in MMS002/I

Set up the customer defined field and API

Auto thawing data and set up:


CMS080 – Customer Defined Field







CMS010, 015 User Defined API