Internal Jira reference


This function mimics option 27 - Include in package in MWS423


SSCC number is used    

Or a combination of Delivery/package is used for find the package to include in other package


Current input is DLIX/PANR or SSCC if the PANR is unique that could be used on its own (ex if we packed into blind LPN's then wanted to consolidate to less packages we had no reference to SSCC or DLIX/PANR so this would be a good improvement (WA2-1367)


We can scan into an existing package (as long as the package mask exists) or a use a new package number (again with matching package mask so it picks up the package type from there)

M3 settings

All relevant settings for outbound packing set up in MMS050, MWS010.

MA settings

Settings/Package Masks
The package we pack into must sit here as a mask so we can add it in on the fly with the right package type (if not an existing) but also to ensure we don't just miss scan a different barcode. 


GS1 prefix works here 

There is no validation if the to package is on the same delivery as the from package: if it is a new package it will jut add it and that pacakge will be on 2 deliveries then.