
Modified on Fri, 18 Aug, 2023 at 3:09 PM


Internal Jira reference


Process flows

Pick & Pack can be accessed by 5 entry points: 

  • By Reporting no, 
  • Delivery (or Delivery/Suffix (barcoded together), 
  • Pick by filter, 
  • Pick by Pick by Item Search.
  • Wave PickPack

The idea is to configure the desired access ways by role etc so it may only be one icon on the menu instead of 5 etc.

In Pick Pack by Filter the user can populate (and save) a filer including Picker or Team and if pick planning is used only the assigned and matching picks lists will show.


This function can be configured in a lot of different ways to accommodate most customers picking and packing needs. Note: All combinations of M3 settings and warehouse action settings will not make sense and work out. 


Lucid Chart

MA scope

  • Pick by filter – set up predefined filter with selected fields to filter on
  • Scan picklist to create a stack to pick
  • Pick multiple orders at once without waves
  • Pick and pack multiple orders at once by pick and pack into totes linked to positions on trolley
  • Advanced package - auto number or manually add a blind package number (LPN) – Print blind labels
  • Scan count (supermarket style) using Alias number barcodes or GS1 labels with qty (feature to link 310x to KG if KG is Basic UoM)
  • Issue/Move mode: Pick Workflow settings Match the picklist header (DLIX+PLSX) on Ref order cat (mandatory) and WHS, Zone, Equipment, Dispatch policy – making it possible to control the pick and pack flow on a very detailed level if needed.
  • Flexible picking – show a list of lines to pick instead of guided into the first line to pick (transport flow) by setting in Issue/Move mode
  • Photos in the pick screen – If photos are loaded they will show in pick screen
  • Location validation optional or mandatory
  • Location validation by check digit
  • To location control by *USER, *CONA (Consignee), Fixed  or MMS002 or F13 logic in MWS422/P on server account user, or blank (memory?)
  • Initiate cycle count at time of pick reporting
  • Softallocation enhancements:
  • Pick out of rotation validatin by Ignore, warning, block, signoff
  • MLOR validations by use of days in OIS005
  • MLOR overriede by use of Industry application in OIS101/I
  • Text blocks:
  • Header text and line text
  • Attributes in picking
  • Prioritise orders by pick sequnce
  • Sublot picking where no need to scan every sublot if full/all pallet pick while if less than full/all each sublot needs scanning
  • Lot on outbound only support (number method 8&9)
  • Completion limits based on % or absolute value

M3 settings






Stock zone

Used in Pick&Pack filter as well as Stock move validations


Create phys inv

Used in Pick&Pack to create stocktake on the fly if settings in CMS017/MMS309 triggers a count as per M3 STD along with Parameter 560 in MWS010/I


Check code loc

On roadmap in Pick&Pack (voice pick)



Used in Pick&Pack filter


Editing char 2

Mandatory scan of location in pick and pack? Y/N (blank means Y)


Transport Flow

Used in combination with setting on MMS040 to populate MQSORT by transport flow or by location. WA2.0 sorts picklists by transport flow if m3 set up this way. See jira for full sort order detail:


MMS001/IStorage requirementThis field determines if cumulative scanning is used for the item and corresponds to the same setting in Mobile Action. It also controls the GS1 barcode decoding exceptions to the standard. (allowing certain items to have different barcode decoding rules than other items etc)


Pack Loc

Will be used in Pick&Pack if move to pack and no other location is used (see logic below)


Dock Loc

Will be used in Pick&Pack if move to dock and no other location is used


Scan Required

Will demand item scan or not in Pick&Pack (1/0)



If quantity is <> 0 then the qty will be used in scan counts in Stock move, Stocktake, Pick&Pack, Receiving etc.



Best kept not populated (enhancement to ensure UoM from MITPOP is used on the ongoing transaction) ex Move or Pick.

Current feature: if UoM is populated ex OUT and there is 24 in an outer: in M3 when ordering in OIS300 on the outer barcode (ex via EDI) say 1 OUT (it will place an order for 24) if you have the qty in MMS025 to say 24 it will order 24 outers = 576 in WA we will use the qty regardless and as a basic UoM. So if scan one outer barcode it will pick 24 basics UoM’s


Parameter 110

Printer control: this flag determines how picklists are split and subsequently what settings the picklist picks up. If different flows for different stock zones or equipment this needs to set up to split accordingly


Parameter 240

Manual simple packing is not supported only no packing or manual advanced packing (auto packing is OK to it will just run behind the scenes) Note: Manual simple packing is Possible to do as a later step after picking and move to pack using M3 terminal. (in WA1.0 we do manual simple packing so we could look into upgrading that function but at this stage not needed (no customers using it)



Note: All log in users are recommended to be set up as LOCATIONS in MMS010 as well since the user can be used as a pack location in MA. Meaning when pick and pack the pack location becomes the packer, until moved to dock, loaded, or issued out.


Parameter 560

IF this is turned on for the Dispatch policy and it is turned on the location and the criteria’s (ex short pick will generate stocktake and or qty less than X)  in MMS309 are set up a stocktake will be generated upon picking

Settings related to when a stocktake is triggered as part of picking



Settings on F13 in pick lines determines the to location in M3. We will honour this as the highest priority on the ServiceAccount used. However, the recommendation is to keep this blank/0 in an MA install to make the solution more stable since F13 settings are sometimes lost in M3… and are also required to be set up by user and WHS so any added WHS requires this to be configured in the interactive session once and then saved, (until it is lost…). The benefit of using this is that we can reuse M3 build in logic to direct picks to loading docks by route etc in an object select table MWS130 or MWS140 by selecting option



Any printer used in this flow needs to be set up in CRS290

MMS050PackagesIf packing is used all packages set up in package masks in MA needs to be set up here in M3 too. 
MMS005/HIntegration flagsDownload:
Picking lists only needs to be set to 1 if text blocks are to be seen in picking in Mobile Action.

OIS005/FExpiration adjustmentMLOR (Min Life On Receipt) calculation for expiry date managed products that are soft allocated. (The calculation is Confirmed delivery date + Expiration Adj +Industry application).The expiry date on the stock picked must be greater than this date. if not it will not be allowed to be picked
OIS101/IIndustry applicationThis table and values adds or subtracts per CO Line to the above no of days.
(this is used for customer service to lower accepted MLOR (min life on receipt) by negotiating with the customer and be able to send a pickable the order to the warehouse)  on short dated stock. 
CMS015CMS100MI_LstMHDISH_Z01MA: Get DPOL via DLIX this is used to retrieve the dispatch policy for each picklist header so we can control the issue move mode flow by dispatch policy as well


MA settings

Package Masks

This is config serves 3 purposes


  1. A cut down list (from MMS050) of valid packages that can be selected when doing Pick&Pack and having auto package numbering turned on in WA2.0 (see below)

  2.  The licence plate mask: the combination of prefix and min and max length of the input will determine if this is a Licence plate (unique pre-printed number that can be used as a package) and what package type it is related to. This way we can have different package types for different barcodes and pack in different size boxes etc.
  3. Validate containers in stock moves and MO receipt to reduce the number of errors.


Example: a value like CTN1234567 will result in a package added with a package type of CTN and package no CTN1234567 (if ex Z123456789 was input it would not accept it)

P123456789 will result in a package A-BOX etc.

Note: Contrary to this example the minimum length of a package mask is hard coded to 4 pos (in the validation checks). We will change this and allow minimum of one position.  (WA2-1423)

The package type must be set up in MMS050.

Storage requirement configuration

See more about this in the GS1 decode section.
For picking the Scan count flag is also important.
It will initiate cumulative scanning for items with this flag on.

(Note for sublot items cumulative scanning is always required when picking by individual sublot)

Pick out of rotation

Note: This sits in the general section but it relates only to picking.
The reasons we like to record when we pick a expiry dated soft allocated orderline and we do not pick the oldest use by date.
Note: i is the Description and not the code that shows in the pop up when using it.

Authority sign off

Note: This sits in the general section but it relates only to picking.
The list of users that are allowed to sign off on pick out of rotation.
Note it is the initials that comes up in the dropdown list when signing off (by enter password)

Pick and Pack

Package reference:
This flag passes the user's Address label printer (from User settings) or Transport Label Printer into the field
MHS850MI_AddPickViaRepNo_PARE (Package reference)
which makes it appear in MWS423/E as MPTRNS.ORBANO (Me feature)
This can then be used to pass on the printer in the MA user session to an external forwarders interface and print labels on the linked printer (typically a wireless printer that may vary from day to day)
(a use case for this could be if the trigger of the interface is an event on creation of packages in MWS423 and the users current printer needs to be part of it)

Address label copies (MMS486PF)
Transport label copies (MMS485PF, MWS485PF)
Note: the printers from the user settings will be use in the print API

Pick Pack Filter Settings

This configures the Pick by filter default settings for all users.

The values passed n Pick by filter then populates
so if we do not get the right picklists returned a good way to trouble shoot is to call the API via MI test to simulate
Determines the order of the filters on the screen
99 means not included
(if all filters are 99 then all are included)

Default value

Note: Default values are only active for the hidden filters.
For open selectable filter the defaults comes from user inputs or by the user saving them for the first time. 

Note: The default values in User settings (Picker, team, equipment, Zone etc are not used as defaults in this function instead whatever the users uses on the day and saves as its filter will stay and until changed.

Issue Move Mode

This is the heart of the pick and pack function and controls the workflow. It is called the Issue Move Mode based on the flag MHS850MI_AddPickViaRepNo_ISMD which controls if issue the stock directly (0) or 1 move to pack or 2 move to dock.

This is the configuration table/matrix that controls the work flow and screen behaviour in pick and packing. Different flows and how fields behave are not configured in relation to user profiles and additional menu functions in Warehouse Action. Instead the flow is controlled by this matrix. 

The central concept here is the picklist header and we essentially link a set of flags based on the picklist header.

A picklist is as minimum unique by Company, Ref order cat, Status, Delivery (dispatch policy), Warehouse,  but pending settings in M3 – MWS010 can be split by zone and equipment as well.

And will require different behaviour based on this as well as the status it got (40 picking 50 packing etc)

This is how this looks in Mobile Action:

The first section in the matrix is the filter: this is what is used to when “finding” these setting for a picklist header that is ready to be picked.


MWS420: picklist header


Note: Only the Reference order cat and Picking status are mandatory, the other fields are optional, and the application will find the record that has the “best” match and base its behaviour on that. This means we can set up a basic flow and then add a specific flow for a certain combination that works differently.

The guiding principle is to keep this as simple as possible. Ideally only one record per:

  • Ref order category  
  • Relevant picking status

For example all CO picking of picks in status 40 are done the same way in all warehouses using all dispatch policies and in all zones and using all equipments. However, if any of those assumptions are not true we can then start branching out this workflow matrix to suit the customers need.

Note: One exception: If some dispatch policies does not require packing but others do we don't need that set up as long as packing is turned on here. The picks with no packing in M3 will not be requested to be packed by MobileAction. 


This is the heart of the pick and pack function and controls the workflow
These are the main sections in this tableFIler
Minimum requirement
Note: we can leave Dispatch policy blank and populate only Warehouse.
If the dispatch policy is populated it takes precedence over the warehouse record.
if both are populated then that is the match etc. 
Alt UoM Qty Calculator
This means we are able to pick in multiple alternative UoM
Allow skip scancount
This means if the item is set up for scan count (storage requirement method etc) we can allow to skip out of this even if no scan has been done. Note: We can always skip scan count after one scan (if too large qty it is not feasible to scan count - while small qty are often more accurate and efficient). With this flag we don't need to scan even one to skip.
Use Scan Counter as Confirm Item
This is used ensure we don't scan count at all (this saves 1 enter per pick in that scenario - we then only scan it once (again if we allow to skip scan count we can skip this too)
see more details on the item scan validation and scancount in below table.
Short pick option
Ignore: if short MA automatically loops back to the same line again and expects the reminder to be picked: this is useful when packing large pick quantities into multiple packages (no need for prompts when picking less). When back on the line Zero picking can be chosen if was an actual short.
Prompt: Will prompt the user
Block: Will not allow must pick in full or skip
Short pick offset data type: This number means actual no of units: say 10 any shorts of less than 10 will generate prompt to compete mark, Precent works the same way but is by % of the allocated pick line qty.
Short pick offset: the actual value
Packing enabled
Note: If packing is enabled and we select a pick that does not have packing in M3, packing will be ignored.
Note: If M3 got packing but we have a pick step first the packing must be off here (on status 40) and enabled on status 50)
Auto number pack
If turned on MA generated a package no (DLIX+PLSX+001,002, 003 etc.
Else a package no is asked for (blind LPN)
Retrieve packing instructions:
Finds data in MMS053, uses the pick line qty as the input qty to find a pallet or carton etc. Displays the pack type and qty on picking screen. Note: Will not suggest this package when we use auto number insead it will use the
Default package  which can be changed
Mixed package content check
Same delivery check
This is recommended to always be on, same package over multiple deliveries can cause all sorts of problems downstreams but there are some use cases where it makes sense and M3 can handle it,
Same item and or same lot not are useful to turn on if packing for EDI orders where there are strict rules on mixing items on pallets/labels where in some cases mixing lots of the same item is allowed. 
Issue move mode:
MHS850MI_AddPickViaRepNo_ISMD which controls if issue the stock directly (0) or 1 move to pack or 2 move to dock.

To location:
*USER, *CONA (Consignee), Fixed  or MMS002/G (if move to pack then pack loc if move to do then the dock loc)  or F13 logic in MWS422/P on server account user, or blank.
Note: If *USER or *CONA are used the user ID's and Customers/warehouses needs to be set up in MMS010 as pack/dock locations. 

Skip line allowed 
Can I skip a line when picking? (will come back to this line at the end of the last line)
Show flexible picklist screen
If on a list of all lines to pick will show prior to the pick details. If off the first line to pick will show as a guided flow
Flex screen is recommended for stock zones that has floor/block stack locations. And can be useful when full pallet picks so it is easy to get an overview and maybe pick a less busy asile etc.

Convert soft to hard allocation
This performs option 38 on the pick list header just at the same time as it is selected, the concept is to leave the picklist soft allocated as long as possible to get the best relevant hard allocated stock to pick as the picklist is started instead of at order entry or at pick list release. will help clearing and accessing stock in the optimal order.

Unpack the picklist prior to start picking
In some use cases we need to pack the picklist as part of pick release or picking and pack it again at the packing status (50) then this is useful to undo the previous packing and pack it again. This performs option 26 on the picklist header.
Allow browse balance list
Should I be able to browse to select a balance ID (lot) for hard allocated pick lines?
This was we can by pass the scanning requirement of the lot.
If we do the MHS852: USD3 filed is populated with MANUALSELECT
Note If we only want to see where else the item is stored (in case of short etc) we have a stock toolbox icon at the bottom bar too.
Soft allocated lines are always allowing browse and select again if we select instead of scan:  USD3 filed is populated with MANUALSELECT
Recommendation is to have this flag turned off

Prevent manual select
This flag prevents the user from selecting back a balance ID by scan or tap (cheating) when using the magnifying glass (mainly for soft allocated lines) to browse to find something to pick that has the right use by date etc.. Recommended to ONLY have this on when soft allocation is used and unique barcodes exists (unique lots - serials or container management is turned on and is consistent)

Validate overissue
Note: if M3 does not allow overissue MA will not either via API validation
Default quantity
Pick qty, 0 (need to fill in) or SoH this means we may over pick the last part pick line to round up to a full container of something.
Allow alternative balance ID
This relates to hard allocated pick lines if we are allowed to pick from another Location and or Lot and or Container
Example: if container is ticked, we can pick another container from the same location and lot.
Competing allocations: The M3 API will allow to pick another allocated balance ID as long as it is allocated to the same customer (and presumably same order and line) or if it is not allocated at all.
Use case: Double or tripple deep pallet location and single allocation (to only allow one order per location at any time so the picker can swap around by scanning the on at the front
Pick out of rotation
This relates to soft allocated picks of expiry dated items
Pick out of rotation options
Ignore, Warning, Block, Signoff
Will require a user from a list to sign off if the test of the usebydate fails.

Min Life On Receipt calc if turned on Items need days in OIS005 set up if not the min life required is the confirmed delivery date...
Print pick report
This controls if & how we should print labels after the last pick line

Print address label: will perform MWS423 option 47

Print transport label: will perform option 48

Some fine print:
If we have no printer assigned it will prompt regardless
If we pick line by line we will get this generated after each line, same if picklist are spilt by say zone and equipment (if this is the case the recommendation is to print via M3 event document control or Print transport documents.
Balance Identity filer
these settings controls what we see when we browse on balance ID's (if allowed) or when searching for balance ID's when soft allocated. If we only allow
Approved sellable stock that is not in transit or under receiving or already hard allocated it should set like this.

However, there are use cases where it make sense to allow stats 1 and or 3 as well as no allocabe stock

This would return more records
(status can be passed like that if all 3 are to be included)

Item Scan count and Item Scan validation

MMS002/Scan count

StrReq M3/MA


Allow SkipScanCount


UseScanCount as Confirm






Optional scan count of item (can skip directly – no validation)





Optional scan count of item (can skip directly – no validation)





Must scan count once - then enter to skip to qty 





Must scan count once - then enter to skip to qty





Must scan validate item once then directly to qty





Optional scan validation (can skip directly by enter– no validation)










Must scan count once - then enter to skip to qty 





Must scan count once - then enter to skip to qty





Must scan count once - then enter to skip to qty





Optional scan count of item (can skip directly – no validation)





No need to scan item





No need to scan item





No need to scan item





No need to scan item


Note: This relates to the item scan step.

For container and lot items we have to scan container or lot before we scan item. 

Tip: If we don't want to scan anything for a lot/container controlled item:

turn off Scan in MMS002/G, and ensure Storage Method is linked in MA to no scan count. and Allow manual select of balance ID's and allow browse balance ID, then we can browse to find the lot/container and select it.   (not recommended but possible to set up)  


Pick & Pack –Pick by filter selections and prioritise picks in M3 by pick sequence

Save filter selections

Defaults from user settings

Select stack by scanning deliveries

M3 Settings

MA Settings




Pick & Pack – Check digit, Non lot, Auto package, cumulative scan, move to user location


M3 Settings


MA Settings

Pick & Pack – No loc, Non lot, Auto package, scan required, Qty input, move to customer location


M3 Settings


MA Settings





Pick & Pack –  Non lot, cluster Pick, cumulative scan, move to user location


M3 Settings


MA Settings




Pick and confirm – Non lot, no location or sku validation, qty defaulted

This is the simplest way to set up picking…


M3 Settings


MA Settings




Pick and confirm – Lot on outbound

Does this require confirm (what happens in MITTRA if only move to pack or dock?)


M3 Settings


MA Settings




Pick& Pack – header and line text

Does this require confirm (what happens in MITTRA if only move to pack or dock?)


M3 Settings


MA Settings




Pick & confirm – Pick by Attribute


M3 Settings


MA Settings




Pick& Pack – Cumulative scanning GS1 label – non sublot, completion limits

310x if item is KG this will be used as KG

CW scenario too

M3 Settings


MA Settings




Pick& Pack – Cumulative scanning GS1 label – Sublot

310x if item is KG this will be used as KG

Non CW scenario too…

Hard alloc as well as soft

M3 Settings


MA Settings




Pick& Pack – Lot control and expiry control - Out of rotation and MLOR picking


M3 Settings


MA Settings






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