Internal Jira reference

Process flows

This function generates the printout MMS474PF - Package label.

It is doing this by first generating a package in MMS470 based on the selected package type and number of labels chosen - it loops around and creates X unique packages. The package number is controlled by M3's standard packaging rules. 

This function is useful if: 

  • Container management is used in the warehouse and we like to link preprinted unique container numbers to the received or moved goods. It saves the customer from having to purchase these labels from a print shop and keep track of the number series outside to avoid duplication etc. 
  • Advanced packing is used in the pick and pack flow and the package labels used to pack goods into are pre printed - this function can be used to generate these unique packages.

M3 settings

  • MMS050 - Packages
  • DRS080 - Package types - set up with the desired package number formatting rules etc. - this will control the number each package gets.
  • MMS474PF - Printout formatting - to ensure it prints

MA settings

User Settings:

This is the printer that controls this output
this settings controls this function
This package must be set up in MMS050 in M3.
The recommendation is to set the no of copies to 1 here since the aim is to produce unique labels - however sometimes 2 copies may be a good option (front and back of pallet etc)
Package masks are indirectly also important since the number series that the selected packages are using will have to be set up as Package masks so we can use them as packages and as containers.


Defaulted values from settings and user settings

Enter the number of labels that you like to generate. (can be a weeks worth of consumption or similar)
Package type can be changed (if more than one number series are used for this - means more than one package type in this solution)
+ [enter]
Confirm printer + [enter] (will now print)

or just press confirm button