Internal Jira reference

Process flows

This function aims to produce a list of empty locations vs occupied locations. We list by location type: For example Bulk vs Pickface etc


  • The locations are considered full if they have one or more balance ID's in the location and empty if they have 0. This means a blockstack/Floor location is considered full if more than one balance ID so it is not 100% true.

  • Within each location type we count the number of allocable location as being the total number of locations (ANY non allocable locations are not part of this report)

M3 settings

CMS015 - custom API to list the stock locations
M3 - Bug: when fields have been declared in view as longer than standard the MI that is generated is not honouring that but there is a workaround: We can manually change by setting the metadata status to 10 and then update this from 1 to 3 and the the values will come out OK

MA settings

There are no settings in MobileAction

Data grid settings


Total no of locations
Light blue is occupied
Dark blue is avail.
Separated into the different location types

to see grid instead