M3 settings

CRS200RORCReference order category = 5, Next Manual Function (Nmf) =4 , 6 or 7 most common.  
MWS010220, 520220 - Auto Receipt can be on or off depending on flow,
520 - Soft to hard allocation transfer: Recommend to set this to 10 at order line entry since we get error messages when trying to create the line in MMS101 if the item is soft allocated and the auto level of the DO is too high. 
MMS010LocationThe to location in the DO config screens needs to be set up in the corresponding warehouse in M3.
MNS150/151DIVIWe pass in the responsible person as MOVEX and the MOVEX user needs to have access to all relevant division. Quick fix is option 21 in MNS150, pending correct setup in MT installs pending in latest user security setups etc.
DPS001/002Transport calendarThis needs to be set up for the DO's to be created by the API. (F14 in DPS001/E)

MA settings

Settings\Add DO ConfigThis controls the available destinations and order types
Option to tick one as the default option

Process flows

This function creates a DO on M3. The process is to move the item and quantity to a specific location for example TRF or TRANSFER01 etc as step 1 in the item move functions, then use this function to select all balance ID’s from this location to be moved to another warehouse.

The settings in Mobile Action allows the user to only select a subset of order types and warehouse combinations.


  1. Move stock to the transfer location (Item Move or Container Move)
  2. Input the transfer location: list of balance ID's to move will show
  3. Confirm To location if not populated
  4. Confirm the no of lines to move
  5. Execute next steps as per M3 process

It will only find combinations of order types and to Warehouses set up for the active from WHS that the user is logged into in the session.