Internal Jira reference

Process flows

Unpicking is used to take a pallet (Package) that has been picked and packed and moved to pack and reverse that pick in a very simple manner, By scanning the pallet and give it a new container number.  The reason is to be able to send that stock to somebody else or if the customer has changed their mind 5 min before or even after deadline....

Unpicking – Business rules

  • Must unpick pallet by pallet
  • Must unload a loaded pallet before it can be unpicked - in LoadShipment function.
  • (MWS423 – packages remark (DLRM) to be blank or UNLOADED) - it works in conjunction with LoadShipment functions.
  • Cannot reuse the same Pallet label as the “To container” must add a new one 
  • Can move to a non container location (but is not recommended)
  • Must use container management
  • Cannot move to UNPICK location (UNPICK is just an interim location used by Mobile Action) and should always contain 0 balance ID’s
  • If many pallets are unpicked each item and quantity will be sent for repicking on a separate plick list suffix
  • If the order is to be cancelled the cancellation process is the same as if the line is not to be picked once the pick has been unpicked (cancellation is a separate process)
  • Only one user to use unpick at the same time in each WHS to avoid timing issues on stock in UNPICK

M3 settings

Container management, advanced packing, Manual release for picking etc
MMS010 - UNPICK location
MWS010 – Closing point (300) should be se tot 0 so we can release a 2nd pick list immediately after the pallet is unpicked
MWS010 – 310 to be set at 1 and 320 at 2

MA settings

Nothing specific more than role based security


Must be a package number here (the SSCC number is not checked)
Do not use UNPICK
Use a container managed location
Choose a new container number and apply to the pallet

Next pallet to unpick