
SKU Label different to Style Label
When loading stock via imports (such as from M3) the SKU description is automatically set to be the same as the style. This is by design because every SKU (...
Tue, 30 Jan, 2018 at 1:46 PM
How to create a Scheduled Job
WI – Recreate Scheduled Job Steps in the main flow 1 Take note of the detailed page (work service and sleep time etc.) 2 Delete the job that i...
Thu, 29 Apr, 2021 at 7:45 AM
Reports not emailing
Issue The user has filled in the criteria to run a report and they are not receiving the report via email. Example CAS530 Troubleshooting steps What ...
Thu, 14 Oct, 2021 at 8:36 AM
Use MWS980 to repair mismatches in the database for allocations, inventory and planning data
MWS980 is designed to repair mismatches in the database for allocations, inventory and planning data.  Please see the attached document on how to use th...
Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 at 4:35 PM
Alert - The order is locked by a user or by the system
Issue The following alert message pops up when trying to action a Customer Order. Alert The order is locked by a user or by the system. A correction i...
Thu, 4 Nov, 2021 at 7:06 AM