
The user has filled in the criteria to run a report and they are not receiving the report via email.
Example CAS530

Troubleshooting steps

  1. What company and division is the user in? Send a full screenshot so that Company/division is visible on the Status bar 
  2. Is it appearing in MNS270 (or depending on the version MNS206) but not emailing? Go to MNS270 and search for the Printer File by the Responsible (User)

    NB If you do not know the Printer File you can use CMS005, put in the used program
  3. Has an xml file been created? If yes then please download so that this can be supplied on the ticket, along with an example of the report.
    Go to MNS270, search for the Job (Sort/View by Resp / Prnt file) > select the Job > right click Related VIEW > click on the job number and click Select, a new browser will populate > click Download
  4. Send screenshot(s) (include all panels if more than one) of the users selection criteria so we can replicate how they ran the report.
  5. Did the Alert to confirm that the job had been submitted pop up?
  6. Has the user been set up in blank division in MNS205 to receive Outputs via email?
  7. Does the user have access to the blank division? If so get them to replicate the process, are they still experiencing issues?

Send outcomes of troubleshooting steps to