General Mobile Action Configuration data structure



This tab should only be accessible by ComActivity and the Mobile Action process owners and super users at the customer.
As per above diagram any changes here are for the whole environment apart from the User Settings. So we can make a lot of damage by playing around with the settings if we are not authorised to make these changes. 

  • This sets the light or dark theme for the whole env. It determines what the user gets upon initial login and then the user can change it to its own preference under user settings.
  • The same goes for the Soft keyboard input preference
  • With soft keyboard we mean the keyboard that pops up when we focus on an input field. This can be turned off by setting this to hide - in case we predominantly use devices with a hard keyboard or we don't need to key much in our process. If a user has a different device or process where more keying is required this can be turned on by user under user preferences.
  • This should be set based on type of device and process in the beginning of the project so the users gets the right default values as they log on the first time.
  • Date format (Note: Currently there are a few functions where we can only use the YMD8 format so the recommendation is to stick to this for now WA2-40)
  • Do we allow IFS user import - again should be determined early in the project.
Zone configuration is related to Stock Move functions
We can set up records by Warehouse and Zone

Note: WHS & Zones are not validated against M3 when set up but there must be a match for this to work
Expi Recl: This controls if we should do the automatic reclassification of expiry managed items to a different date when we move stock into this Zone.

Receiving in different stock zone:
If the item has a (main) stock zone linked in MMS002/G and we move stock to a location:If this flag is set to Warning or Block for the zone the Destination location belongs we will issue a warning or block the move.
this can be used to restrict products linked to for example ALLERGENS or similar from being moved to other zones. However some zones may be allowed like MO issue locations in certain zones.

Receive under inspection Balance ID:
Are we allowed to move a status 1 balance ID into a location in this zone? (this can be used to restrict movements of stock under quarantine)

Receive rejected Balance ID:
Are we allowed to move a status 3 balance ID into a location in this zone? (this can be used to restrict movements of rejected stock)
See the GS1 decode section in this guide

This belongs to dispatch
Reason codes to use when we have an out of rotation pick situation.
Out of rotation means we pick a better useby date before an older one.

This is the allowed user ID's to sign off of out of rotation picks. 

Their user ID's are to be listed as well as a short initials.
The sign off is done by entering the password of the user ID on the gun that is performing the out of rotation pick.
See Stock Move for details
See stock tool box for details 
See receiving for details
See dispatch for details
See Stocktake for details
See Print section for details
See manufacturing for details