
A role is linked to functions

A role is linked to warehouses

A user linked to roles 

General rule: a user can be linked to more than one role and will receive the net max functions and warehouses that those roles allows. 

M3 settings

If we choose to set up roles in M3 to control the import of users to Mobile Action the same roles that we set up in Mobile Action should be set up in M3. A user can be attached to more than one role


the roles can be set up as security roles or groups 

MA settings

Minimum is on role per warehouse (if restrictions between what warehouses the staff in each site can use is desired)

Recommendation is to have 2 roles per warehouse: one basic and one with maybe some more advanced functionality like stock reclassification, attribute update or quick stocktake.
All roles should have User Settings ticket to allow to set up individual preferences.
Scroll across to tick all required function and press save.

Note: This is best done using the Bluestacks emulator.

If a user only has one role and that role has no functions ticked the user will receive a blank menu and will not be able to do anything.