User settings

Settings/User Settings

All users should have access to this function to be able to check/change the default warehouse (if given access to more than one via the role).

Other user specific settings: Light or dark theme and the links to printers.

These settings are stored on the cloud and not linked to specific logged on hardware.



1. We have added a clear cache button at the bottom which resets any cached M3 data (items and locations etc) as well as any cached config data.

2. The soft keyboard input preference: is a function that improves usability depending on the level of manual keying that is needed in the process vs. 

If the devices got a physical keyboard at all if it got a physical keyboard the suggested value is hide. 

If the process relies mainly on scan input or select by taping on rows etc. then we also recommend hide even if no key board. To launch the soft keyboard one just need to double tap in the input field. 

3. Scanner preference: the only used value at this stage is the Camera, if the device has got a camera instead of a scanner the camera should be selected as that will activate the camera button on the step view and the camera will function like a scanner and scan the barcode and bring it back to the application automatically

4. Scan continuously is not used at this stage, this is meant to enable scanners/camera that allow for a string of barcodes to be be scanned at once to be validated and processed in bulk in each function (ex sublot scanning and bin management)