General Navigation:









Submit (many lines in one go)


Stocktake, quick stocktake, palletise scan count, ItemMoveAll



Stocktake (detailed screen)

Step view screens




Most programs



Stock toolbox (and print details)




User settings

System settings

Stock toolboxCall out to stock toolbox
F8Count ContainersCall out to count containers in stocktake
F9Container move

Screens with multiple entry fields

Mobile Action will always focus on first field (blue marked) - => enter value plus [Enter] (typically done by the scanner)

Instructions on values t populate in the field itself

to go to next field - last field executes call to M3:

Tip: Do not tap between fields as validations are submitted on enter

Compare when tapping between fields

Step view screens
One field for all input. Instructions on what to populate in the field below.
To search for input values if available.

Note: the camera only works if camera is selected as scanner preference in User settings:
The device needs a camera for it to work.
Additional details can be viewed by drag screen up and down 
Next step by enter or next

 To go back use back button in the step view
(If you use the bottom back button you exit the function)
To get an overview of steps and required inputs:
=> Tap on the steps tab 

This list is dynamic depending on function and previous steps input

Reset to start all over again

Tap on line and select after ambiguous search result:

2 balance ID's returned so user must select one

Example tap on the line to select it back to the previous screen in a search pop out.
Select by scan:

same result but higher chance we move the right balance ID

Sorting in grid views:
Any default pre sorting will have an arrow up for ASC and down for DESC

Tap on any column that is not presorted and it will sort by that column instead. 
Tap on it again and it will sort the other way.

Tap to select in grid views

tap on a line to work with

available options shows at the bottom 
Multiple lines can be selected too in some areas where it makes sense. (print labels for multiple lines at once for example: