Internal Jira reference


Process Flow

Note: this function got some major improvements due - not ready for demo/deployment at this stage

Links consignee address to google maps and phone number to phone app

It takes pictures and captures signatures. It allows to scan the items or package s delivered to verify that they have been delivered.

It updates the package in M3 in MWS423 as well as the overall delivery status in MWS410 from 60 to 90.

M3 settings







Delivery receipt confirmation (will set the delivery to sts 60 as it is pick confirmed). Scope = 1 (simplified delivery receipt conf – on header level)



Sync with OIS150 Proof of delivery. Can be set to 0/1 we call MWS410MI regardless since we do PoD of DO’s as well. Recommend to set to 0 to keep simple.



Recommend to set to 61 (requires PoD to be ready for invoicing)


IDM settings for Proof of Delivery

If ION API and IDM is active we can push in the PoD summary document to IDM using our own Proof of delivery document type: 

POD IDM Configuration Guide 


The following configurations are required in Infor OS for Proof of Delivery document upload: 

  • In Document Management – Import/Export, import the POD_IDM_configuration.xml file 

This will create the new Proof of Delivery document type. 

It will also create the context settings for the Proof Of Delivery document context connection from MWS410 in M3. 

  • Other general settings that may need to be checked are: 
    H5 Settings – Business Context Publishing should be switched on 
    Context Apps – Related Information context app should be turned on for M3 
    Document Management – Proof Of Delivery document type may need to be added to the Document Filter if that is switched on 
    Users will need the IDM-Related Information security role to see the context app 

The Proof Of Delivery Documents from Mobile Action  should then be displayed in the Related Information context app. 


MA settings

There are no specific setting on this function more than grid views.
