Introduction to Users

Users are set up in MobileAction by the end customer.  Each end-user should log on with its own credentials. 

Creating Users

  1. Select Sign Up
  2. Fill in details - recommendation: User ID to be max 10 positions and UPPER CASE
  3. Use a real email - recommendation: Use an internal dedicated support/IT email to manage the users (collect 2FA codes)
  4. Use a phone no in this format +61404123456
  5. Pass in the code to activate user in AWS - Cognito (that was emailed to the email entered) 

  1. Log in with an existing Mobile Action admin user to link the new user to a role (must have at least one role and this role needs to have access to at least one function and one warehouse)
  2. Save and the new user is now active and has access to the warehouses and functions selected
  3. Log in with new user
  4. M3 set up the user in MMS010 - Locations if we intent to use the *USER setting and move goods tot he users location as part of pick and move to pack.
  5. M3 set up the user in MNS150 as a non licenced user to be able to use Pick&Pack by listing filter and lock picklists by picker.
  6. Set up the users as pickers in MWS039 - Picking  Team - Connect Pickers