
The DataWizard Upload Tool is an external application program to execute transactions to upload or download specific data, activate certain procedures etc.

How to use the DataWizard Tool

Before you start you need a DataWizard Tool for each environment.

  • From the Tool open a blank sheet. Click on 


  • The Select Method box will appear.
    Select API.
  • Drop down the Program field and start typing the API you want to select.
    Example PPS001MI : Purchase Order Interface
  • Drop down the Transaction field and select a transaction.
    Example ConfirmAll - Confirm all lines for a purchase order
  • Enter in the CMP and DIV, then click OK.

The following pop will appear, click Yes.

The following pop will appear, click OK.

This will list the fields available to execute ie Add, Delete, List or Update and will state if any fields are mandatory.

Example below PUNO is mandatory to execute this API and the other fields can be updated.

NB You can delete the fields not required however you need the mandatory field(s).

  • Enter in the data and click
    NB In this example we want to Confirm all the lines for a purchase order(s) and update field STWH = DC2.

The API Connection Details will appear.
NB When you have many records to execute, we recommend running the API with a Max Records = 1 first. This is to make sure you have no errors and to also check M3 after it is executed to confirm the result.

Click OK.


The following pop will appear, click Yes.


The following pop up will appear, click OK.

The result will return with OK if it was successful.


At this stage check M3 to confirm the data, then execute the rest of the records – this time leave Max Records blank.