Internal Jira reference

Process flows

This function mimics MMS180 in M3. It moves all stock from one location to another. However, it uses the underlying MMS850MI_AddMove API multiple times move every balance ID one by one.

Business rules:

If stock is container managed (one line at least) and the To location is also container managed the application will ask for a destination container and all stock will be merged to this container. It will not retain the same containers as it had in the "from balance ID".


Use this function for no containerised warehouses


If container method 7 is used on balance ID's they will fail in this move.

We do not validate the package mask when we use a container (other move functions do)

We do not suggest a destination location since we move more than one item in one go.

We do not test stock for 

  • status 1/3
  • expiry date
  • wrong zone

NO auto reclassification based on days and zone etc that we do in the other moves directed more to F&B industry.

NO auto reclas of status based on the destination location that we do in the other moves directed more to F&B industry.

Stock zone checks are not made as per the same rules as individual moves - we do have a hard check if any item has a stock zone set up in MMS002 they need to be the same as the destination locations stock zone. However, we do not use the: Settings\Zone configuration settings where we can ignore the zone check or only issue a warning. - future improvement. 

M3 settings

The MMS002/G stock zone will have an impact if it is filled in. - we will only be allowed to move stock to locations within that zone with this function.

The setting in MMS860 (to allow to move stock on picklist if the full balance ID is moved) is recommended to be on if this function is to be used:


MA settings

Data grid: Under Stock toolbox sits the grid that builds up the list of stock to move in the Move All function.


Scan/enter in the from location + [enter]

this will move all stock to the A03CN