Internal Jira reference

Process flows

  1. Input a value and press enter to retrieve
  2. Tap on a line to select
  3. Select an option (print/move/reclassify/details)


Attribute display: Supports both Lot based attributes and Balance ID based attributes

Photo display

Limitation: Since we support both (we enquiry twice on attributes for each balance ID) and list all attributes there is a limitation to perfomance on how many attributes and number of balance ID's we list in one to before the stock toolbox becomes a bit slow. this value sits at around 1000 balance ID and 50 attributes on each balance ID.   

Business rules:

If a user (role) is not allowed to do reclassification that option is hidden

If a user is not allowed to access the Attribute value screen the user will still be able to list all attributes but not make any updates.

M3 settings

There are no specific M3 settings for this function

Note: If an item got the same Location/Lot/Item/Alias no within a warehouse: Ambiguous result the system will list all the results and the user may seem multiple records where it was not expected.

Note: The main assumption is:  no overlap between Location, Item, Alias, Lot, Container values.

MA settings

Data grid config to display right columns and sort them as well.  

The Bal ID det: configures the detailed screen

Data grid config to ensure the oldest balance ID's are showing at the top etc.
If the user does not have access to this program they will still be able to drill into attributes and see them but not update attribute values

Role based access to jump out functions (compare to related options in M3)

If a user does not have access to for example reclassification: the icon on the bottom bar will be removed automatically.

Settings\System\Stock Toolbox
Attribute Display
This parameter suppresses certain attribute values from displaying

Since the attributes are all displayed as a string in the browse columns: if a balance ID has too many of them and they are not all interesting we can suppress certain default values to make the screen less busy.
typical values to suppress is
NA; ;0
NA blank and 0


Blue line - selected

Orange line - sts 1

Red line - sts 3

Red allocable = non allocable

Any input including inhouse package (container 7)

See default sorting (set up by data grid config)

Tap on any column to sort

Wildcard search: Search on everything in the grid

new field opens:
Finds all balance ID's with NOK somewhere in the grid.
This is a good function to use if the attribute values are unique to each attribute - then certain attributes can easily be identified and where they are stored. 
Related options
Sublots - drill in if item is sublot controlled
Details: look at all values in MMS060MI_ListBalID
Print: Prints MWS450PF (see Print section)
Reclassification: only visible if user has authority to use
Stock move: link and launch StockMove
Container move: launch ContainerMove
Attr value: list the attribute values 
If the user as access to this program on the menu then they can update the attributes too. 
Sublot enquiry