Process flows

Mobile action supports all types of stock takes methods and selections.

We recommend location based so we can also count the locations with no items on them.

Recount can be created in M3 up front and counted in Mobile Action by a second team. The 2 counts can then be compared in the variance file that can be generated in M3 (to view related option 15 from MMS300). Mobile Action also supports check of the tolerance directly at counting to catch any obvious counting/keying error and lets the user resubmit.  

If stock on hand is to be visible to the counter choose to print the stock on hand flag when creating the stocktake in M3. 

If we do not print stock on hand on "count sheets" we will not show it on the mobile action screens and vice versa.

If not printed this value will be blank and the user must do a "blind" count

Supported concepts

  • Cumulative supermarket style scanning (random scanning of items within the location)
  • GS1 decode scanning to accumulate both Basic units and catch weight
  • GS1 decode scanning to validate sublot and count sublots on pallets
  • Location based stocktake to verify 0 stock in location
  • Tolerance check at the same time as counting to catch any keying errors
  • Add missing stock to the location

M3 settings

CMS017/MMS309Various These flags controls when to trigger recounts, when to create stocktake upon picking, Tolerance limits etc.
CMS017/MMS309ToleranceCurrently we do not issue a warning if outside of tolerance so it will automatically take the count to sts 3 and a recount may or may not be created based on settings in MMS309. The simplest way to deal with count errors at the moment is to have no tolerance set and analyse the variances by running reports over the count result and identify recounts this way. Note CRS717 can be used as well as per M3 standard selection hierarchy.
MMS015Alt UoMAlt UoM is supported to be able to count in multiple UoM's at the same time
MMS025GTIN barcodesSupports cumulative scanning of barcodes with QTY built into M3 or into the barcoded via GS1 standard AI 30 or 37.
MMS001/IStorage RequirementThis value in M3 is used in MA to control variations to composite GS1 barcode scanning decoding as well as control if cumulative scanning is used in Stocktake. By setting up items with a value here that matches the value in MA below we can activate cumulative scanning for the barcodes

MA settings


Stock toolbox:

This flag enables users to jump out to the stock toolbox to do some investigation while on stocktake if ticked:

Auto populate suggested location:
Saves users from verifying the location they are on or use the magnifying glass to browse and select a location. Note this is not best practice since it invites keying errors.

If we do not have location barcodes on the level of the location (when in the air) we recommend to apply barcodes on this level for stocktake purposes.

Settings\System\General\Storage req configuration

This flag activages scan count in Stocktake. This means we can randomly scan any item on the location and it will pick up the quantity from the barcode and accumulate it to the total - supermarket style scanning.
Data Grid Config
This is the config that controls the data in the browse segment.

Not the Stocktake lines


Type/scan stocktake no or enter (will find all stocktakes on the selected date (defaults to todays date)
Note: choose 1- for first recount etc
auto selects the line if only one stocktake to choose from
Defaults to the next location to count:

Note: If the user jumps a few aisles or rows it will keep suggesting in ascending order from that position. (so many staff can count at different areas using the same stocktake number once each person chosen a starting point

Magnifying glass to list next location and also counted locations:
Tap to select a location:
All balance ID's selected for the stocktake on this location will then show and should be counted before the location is confirmed back.

Input any of the Item(or alias) or Lot or Container.

Or tap on the line if nothing to scan
All counted lines will show green (even if not yet confirmed)
Once all balance IDs are counted for the location press the confirm button (or press F10).Out
Outside of tolerance:
IF any count is outside of tolerance the line will be red and the user must perform a recount. Note the tolerance can be set in CMS017/MMS309 for different item groups etc. or be set to not check at all. M3 can also be set up to generate a recount upon a count outside of tolerance for a third independent check by another counter. THis is done in MMS309.

The second count will be passed with the count status of 2 manually approved. This way we can filter out all counts outside of tolerance and post separately to M3 as per M3 standard process.  
Once all lines counted the next location (B05A) is suggested. To confirm location just scan over the last one (B04A).

New found balance ID:

If we scan something that does not match we can add it as a new balance ID: (unless it was a wrong input)

Note: We only allow to add existing lots to the item. New lots needs to be added in RO+ or in M3 MMS235.

We can scan the items barcode here that will work.

Catch weight items cannot be added (M3 limitation in the API)
Sublot catch weight items cannot be entered either due to the same limitation
If the item got alt UoM we can use the calculator:

This is mostly used if the item got basic UoM of KG but is stored in for example 25 KG bags then it is easier to count the number of bags etc.

If scan count is activated: (see above settings)
the user can scan the barcode and each scan will add to the total as per the barcode (GS1 barcodes can contain quantity values AI 30 and 37) or the alias number in M3 inMMS025 can contain a value ex the outer barcode may contained X inners and Y eaches etc. the Qty in the actual barcode takes priority if it exists.

240 in this barcode

scan again and it will add another 240:

randomly scan any other item on the location and it will find it and accumulate. This way we can scan through a location to find all stock that is sitting on this location. This is useful when storing multiple items on the same location and we have barcodes to scan and box quantity stored in M3 or on the actual barcode etc.

Sublot stocktake:
Item that are sublot controlled are a bit more tricky to stocktake.
M3 Business Rules:
A unique sublot cannot exists on more than one balance ID.
this means we scan a container and detect sublots
(container management is assumed on for sublot items)
we then count the total number on the pallet of that lot no. if it got the same value as in M3 we do not need to scan each sublot to confirm the stocktake. However, if the value differs then we will initiate a count of each line.
if we find the sublot on a different balance ID (container and or location ) we will move (MOVE) it to the current one) if it is not in the system at all we wil load (LOAD) it. if it isis where we think it is then we will just confirm this. (OK)

Limitation: If the sublot found is actually sitting in a different warehouse we will not allow to move it across, in this case the sublot will be invalid to load and we must move it back to where it was found first (or write it off there and it can be added again where it was found)
Scan the container

Enter the total count of the lot no
(Note if mixed pallets the user had to choose what lot to count first).
Best practice is not to mix lots on sublot pallets.

Because our count is spot on we do not need to scan each individual sublot.

To submit just press enter once more

Tip: to trigger that just enter a qty of say 0 or 1 so 1000
the actual scans counts from then on

to see the scanned sublots (or defaulted if qty is spot on)
go to sublot tab:
Scan the next container to count on the location and enter the qty
This case we need to enter each sublot.
This can be done by scanning the GS1 barcode or by enter the raw sublot ID In most cases the AI 21 from the barcode.


or just the raw 10000004201005

duplication check:
once all are scanned we can see if any are to be moved or added:

 to submit once all entered, just press enter again and again
Once all done confirm to go to next location

Empty location count
to verify nothing on the location:
Just tap on it and enter 0 and enter

Then confirm
goes to the next one

Note: We only look at stocktakes in status 40 to 50 (if in status 60 Variance report ran already) we do not filter out those:

we can therefore get this message:

to make sure we can keep counting we need to do one manual update to M3 stocktake and the status goes back down to 50