Process flows

This function defaults the right reason codes and order types so the user/role does not need to select from a long list.

The search for a balance ID to be written off can be done by Alias no, item no, lot, container or location. The quantity can be accepted as SoH or reduced to to a lower transaction quantity.

M3 settings

Alias numbers can be scanned.
MNS150User CAADMIN is used as RESP in these transactions
Note user MAADMIN or MOVEX are also used this is set up on the environment page in the back end

MA settings

Settings\System\Stocktake\RO-Reason Code

Reason codes can be set up by warehouse and roles to only be able to use certain codes for certain whs and role.
It more than one reason code is used a defaut one can be set so the user does not need to choose when using the function.
Note: If many reasocodes are set as default the first one will be the actual default one
Note: The reason code and name are not validated against CRS103 in M3 BUT the Reason code MUST be set up in CRS103 since it is passed in on the transaction in M3.
If reason codes for stock adjustments are not used at least one dummy must be set up for this flow to work

Settings\System\Stocktake\RO- OrderType

Same here as with Reason codes. The order type is not validated against CRS200 bu tit must exists when the Requisition Order is created


The search for a balance ID to be written off can be done by Alias no, item no, lot, container or location. 

More lines can be added to the write off order or it can be submitted one by one
Confirm to submit the write off transaction
the reforder is loaded to M3 in the Ref order field