Process flows

This function supports adding of stock using a set of order types and reason codes. This functions is the equivalent of MMS100 positive stock adjustment in M3. 

Input scope:

  • Item number
  • Alias number
  • GS1 Composite barcode entry Included AI's: 01, 02, 310x, 12, 13, 15, 17, 10, 21, 30, 37.
  • Quantity can be scanned (multiple super market style) in or entered manually
  • Supports catch weight.

MA features: 

  • Allows to enter both manufacturing and expiry date on a lot. If the manuf date is entered the expiry date is calculated based on shelf life in MMS002/I
  • Prints X (configurable) putaway label copies on the by user nominated printer in the user settings
  • Configurable to have the reference number mandatory to put in (ex link to service order
  • Configurable to have the reference number auto populated to the user ID to keep track of who added what in stock.
  • Automatically generate a new unique lot number (Rxx)  to use when stock comes back from ex production or is found instead of trying to look up an existing lot no that will most probably be wrong anyway. 


Does not support sublots: Instead sublot's can be entered using stocktake or quick stocktake if the lot number already exists

M3 settings

M3 ProgramComments
MMS025/EThe quantity linked to the barcode is used as the quantity to add when scanning the barcode. If a GS1 barcode has been scanned with a quantity that takes precedence. If a barcode is to be used for cumulative supermarket style scanning a quantity needs to be linked to the barcode
MMS002/IShelf life is used to calculate the expiry date based on Manuf date input. 
CRS200Ordertype with trans type 40
CRS103Transaction reasons to be used for the stock adjusment 

MA settings

No of putaway labels that should be printed. 0 will not print any. The printer used is set up on the user settings under Putway printer
Settings\System\Stocktake\RO+Reason Code

Reason codes can be set up by warehouse and roles to only be able to use certain codes for certain whs and role.
It more than one reason code is used a defaut one can be set so the user does not need to choose when using the function.
Note: If many reasocodes are set as default the first one will be the actual default one
Note: The reason code and name are not validated against CRS103 in M3 BUT the Reason code MUST be set up in CRS103 since it is passed in on the transaction in M3.
If reason codes for stock adjustments are not used at least one dummy must be set up for this flow to work

Settings\System\Stocktake\RO+ OrderType

Same here as with Reason codes. The order type is not validated against CRS200 bu tit must exists when the Requisition Order is created


Not lot controlled item - Manual entry as well as scanning a barcode with a linked quantity 

Scan the same item again to add more quantity or scan a barcode that contains the units
This can be used to scan in a large number of garment for example to accumulate the count as we scan.

Note ex a GS1 barcode with quantity in the barcode:
this represents an outer box of 240 units is also decoded in the same manner
To submit the order, enter through to location:

Enter or Confirm

Lot controlled item with expiry date and catch weight

Asks for both weight and tally
More CTN can be added and the weight will be accumulated

lot number can be changed to an existing one and if so the dates are not needed to be put in

If left at the Rxx no it will be generated on the fly by the system
If Manuf date is put in and [enter] the system calculates the expiry date based on days in MMS002/I (shelf life)
and vice versa. If no shelf live exists both values needs to be populated and can be overridden in any case.

If containers are needed it will be asked for

Add stock with GS1 composite barcodes



duplication check if the AI of 21 (serial no is used) to ensure unique cartons are scanned. 
New carton scanned and accumulated