• Purpose of the field

The purpose of Carrier departure date is to track the dispatch date from a hub where the goods pass through before delivery to their final destination.

B If the goods are sent via a terminal, the receiver is informed of when and how the goods leave the via terminal by the use of transport notification.

  • Impact on the Material plan

If the Carrier dep date is updated and transportation lead time is being used this will recalculate a new arrival date (material plan /  plan date)

Carrier dep date = 020724
Goods are delayed at terminal hub leaving 090724 - update carrier dep date

Transportation Lead Time 42 days (5 day LT days per week)
Rep arrival date = 050924
Material Plan Date = 050924

Carrier dep date = 020724
Material Plan Date = 280924

Carrier dep date updated = 090724
Material Plan Date = 050924


  • How is it calculated

Dependent on supplier lead time (MMS002), transportation lead time setup (PPS010) and the delivery information on the PO Line will depend on the calculation of this field.

Create and release PPO = 04062024
Supply Lead Time 20 days (5 day LT days per week)
Equals Requested Delivery Date 02072024

Transportation Lead Time 42 days (5 day LT days per week)
Equals Plan date 29082024

In this example Carrier Departure date will equal either the Requested or Confirmed delivery date.