Each tenant needs to provide a dedicated admin user for ComActivity to enable support and set up of initial environment. This user needs to have an email on the customers domain for smooth authentication (ex MAADMIN@customerdomain.com) when setting up initial user accounts in the cloud. (Note: the MAADMIN user should also be set up in MNS150 and linked to the same company as the Mobile Action environment and all other division (option 21), this user is used for any M3 IoN API call.


MAADMIN@customerdomain.com (for Customer)

CAADMIN@customerdomain.com (for ComActivity)


During the implementation we recommend to forward the emails from MAADMIN@customerdomain.com to MAADMIN@comactivity.com.au this makes it possible for the comactivity implementation team to resolve issues with user password resets using the inbuilt 2FA from AWS cognito